Editor, Publisher, Columnist and Photographer
I have been an active author/photo-journalist in the diving industry for over a decade now and have written hundreds of articles, training standards for dozens of courses and a few books along the way. My specific areas of interest lie in shipwrecks and deep mixed gas diving. I also have a special interest in diver safety issues and keeping those who put it on the line as public safety divers safer during their operations.
The global diving industry has embraced my work, publishing my books, articles and photos literally around the world and in multiple languages. In addition to publishing I have also been fortunate enough to develop a following internationally as a speaker and lecturer on these issues and other diving related topics. Below you will find a partial resume (listing) of my publications and significant seminars or speaking events.
Books Authored

Diver Down: Real World SCUBA Accidents and How to Avoid Them, McGraw Hill Publishing, 2005
SSI TXR Advanced and Technical Wreck Diving, Concepts Systems, Inc., December, 2011
SSI TXR Advanced and Technical Wreck Diving Instructor Guide, Concepts Systems, Inc., December, 2011
SSI Altitude Diver Manual, Concepts Systems, Inc. April, 2011
SSI Altitude Diver Instructor Guide, Concepts Systems, Inc. April, 2011
TDI Advanced Wreck Diving Manual, International Training, October, 2003
TDI Advanced Wreck Diving Manual, Instructor Guide, International Training, December, 2003
SDI & TDI Diving Leadership Manual, International Training, February, 2003
SDI & TDI Diving Leadership Manual, Instructor Guide, International Training, March, 2003
Emergency Response Diver 1 Manual, co-authored with Detective Ed Young, Published by Emergency Response Diving International, Division of International Training, Topsham, Maine. February, 2001
Emergency Response Diving International, Standards and Procedures Manual, Developed for International Training, November, 1999, Edited Revisions in 2002, 2004
Other Publications
SEADUCTION.com e-magazine. I am the Editorial Director, a columnist and editorial blogger for this community based dive e-publication.
SCUBA Diving Magazine, Contracted author of two monthly columns. Continuous contracts since initial publication in November of 2001. Technical Editor, Nov 2001, training editor 2006 – March 09. Over 150 features and articles published to date.
“Professionalism Series”, A multi part series published in Nitrox Diver Journal of IANTD, Vols 98-2 thru 99-2, May 1998 thru May 1999
Safe N2O2 (Nitrox) Diver Course, The National Academy of SCUBA Educators, Orange Park, Florida, 1995.
Public Safety Diver Certification Course Levels 1, 2 & 3, Published by the National Academy of SCUBA Educators, Orange Park, Florida, 1995.
International and Regional Seminars Presented
“Diver Down’s Rules for Diving Safety” Presented at the SCUBA in 10 cities tour in Ft Lauderdale, FL, May 06; Los Angeles, CA, May 06; The SEAS Expo, Raleigh, NC, Oct 06; Beneath the Seas, Secaucus, NJ, March 2007
“On Line Training’s Impact on the Diving Industry” Presented at Beneath the Seas, Secaucus, NJ, March 2006
“Cave Diving, Hazards and Methods of Training”; Presented at the Asian Dive Expo, Singapore, April, 2004
“Recreational, Technical, and Public Safety Diving – Current Status” and “A Hands-On Clinic for the Demonstration of Common Injury Causing Misuses of Technical and Public Safety Diving Equipment’”; Presented as a part of “The Medical Assessment of Fitness for Diving”, a qualifying seminar for physicians presented by The Underwater and Hyperbaric Medical Society, held in: North Miami Beach, Fl, October 4 – 7, 2003, New Orleans, La, February 12 – 15, 2004
“Emergency Response Diving – A Different Concept in Training”; Presented at Jornada Internacional 2003 O Bombeiro No Rescate, (International Fire & Rescue Conference) Torres Vedras, Portugal, May 2003, Asian Dive Expo, Singapore, April 2004
Emergency Response Diving Instructor Qualification Program; Presented to members of the Nacional Bombeiros (Fire Service),Policia Judiciaria (the investigative arm of Portugal’s national law enforcement agency) and the Guarda Nacional Republicana, Brigada Fiscal – Servico Maritimo (the maritime brigade of the Portuguese national provincial police), Torres Novas, Portugal, May 2003.
“The Making of Diving’s Lessons for Life” (Diving Accident Case Studies based on the popular column I write for SCUBA Diving Magazine); Presented at: The Beneath the Sea Dive Show, Secaucus, NJ, March 2003.
“Advanced Wreck Diving Skills and Techniques”; Presented at: The Beneath the Sea Dive Show, Secaucus, NJ, March 2003
“Emergency Response Diving Exemptions from Regulation”; Presented at: The Beneath the Sea Dive Show, Secaucus, NJ, March 2003
“Introduction to Closed Circuit Breathing Equipment”; Presented at: The Beneath the Sea Show, Secaucus, NJ, March, 2002, and The SEAS Expo, Raleigh, NC, April 2002
“Technical Diving, Recreational Diving’s Ultimate Adventure”; Presented at: The Beneath the Sea Show, Secaucus, NJ, March, 2002, and The SEAS Expo, Raleigh, NC, April 2002.
“Emergency Response Diving vs. Recreational Diving”; Presented at: The SEAS Expo, Raleigh, NC, April 2001
“Technical Diving, A General Introduction”; Presented at: The SEAS Expo, Raleigh, NC, April 2001
“Marketing Semi Closed Rebreathers “; Presented at: The Diving Equipment Marketing Association Annual Trade Show, New Orleans, LA, January 2001
“Semi Closed Rebreather Instructor Updates”; Presented at: The Diving Equipment Marketing Association Annual Trade Show, New Orleans, LA, January 2001
“Advanced Gas Blending Instructor Qualification Seminar“; Presented at: The Diving Equipment Marketing Association Annual Trade Show, Las Vegas, NV, January 2000
“Semi Closed Rebreathers Demonstration Workshop”; Presented at: The Ocean Fest Consumer Shows in Lauderdale by the Sea, March 1999, May 2000 and May 2001
See SEADUCTION.com for Mike’s latest articles and columns. You can contact Mike@seaduction.com for more information or to discuss engaging him for your writing, marketing and training product development projects.